Monday, September 12, 2011

TOUR DAY 5 (September 12) ANGERS to SAUMUR

On the main road out of Angers in the drizzle

St. Mathurin Sur-Loire 
The bridge at St. Mathurin

Yeah!  it stopped raining (in St. Remy la-Varenne)

Don't know what kind of horse this is, but they were brutes (Near Gennes)

Let the Chateaus begin

Had to stop in Decathelon Sports for headphones

A winery with a vintage Chateau as the main building.
The 63km ride was cold wet and windy today.  It drizzled for most of the day and would occasionally turn to rain and occasionally just stop.  Not many pictures from today's ride as the camera had to stay in the water proof panniers for most of the journey... and I didn't stop for much today!

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