Tuesday, September 13, 2011

TOUR DAY 6 (September 13) SAUMUR to TOURS

It was only supposed to be 83km today... until I got turned around and pedaled the wrong way for about 30 minuets... in the rain.  Nothing to make you more mad than to add distance to your already longest day.  So, it wound up being just over 100km today.  Most of the day was cold (58F) and rainy.  I was pretty "over it" by the time I got to Tours.

The GOOD NEWS ( I just found out) is that I double tripped the day- meaning I did in one day what I was supposed to do in 2- so despite spending a rest day (Day 4) in Angers, I'm back on schedule.

Sometimes the trail will take you down a really cool part like this one where you actually ride through part of the cave system

Through part of the cave-village

Just south of Saumur they built these houses and castles (Chateaus) into these cave-cliffs.  Interesting

Still sticking to the path, but not for long

Monster of a church built in this tight little village.  This was a stop-snap-&go shot

Huge fields of these yellow flowers.  It was raining in these pics

The trail near Avion

After getting lost and on track again it stopped raining and I took a picture.  It lasted about 20 minuets

About 45 minuets later SOAKING WET with still 30km to go.  Not happy. 
"La Chapelle, Oh NO!"

Lots and lots of swans in the rivers here... these were close enough for me to shoot with 14x zoom

This bridge is one of the prettiest I have seen on this trip... it leads to Tours


Dotti Bey said...

Those fields of yellow flowers are canola plants where the canola oil comes from. Dad and I have loved seeing them throughout Europe--very pretty. Your blog and pictures today were great.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ragan, I am enjoying reading your posts. Sorry about the rain but it still looks like a wonderful trip of a lifetime. Have you lost weight?
