Saturday, September 10, 2011

TOUR DAY 3 (September 10) ST-FLORENT LE-VILLE to ANGERS - 54Km

For 35 Euros a night...  great view.

Ready to leave the 35 Euros a night in the AM

The day started out cycling on this levee... very flat and I averaged very good time.  Well, very good time for me.  11.5 miles per hour.

The first little town I came to was Montjean sur-Loire

Didn't have time to stop and see what the ruins were all about (on left), but looks like ancient bridge or viaduct.    Near Montjean.

The bridge just East of Montjean from which the ruins are visible

taken at 12mph

Palm tree: Trachycarpus wagnerianus (the very en-vouge stiff-frond type).  Of the two variations of this cold-weather palm, this variety is the nicer and more rare.

Just before the giant hill I didn'nt know was coming at Epire

The hill was so big, I was walking my bike for the first time since the St. Nazaire bridge and I came across this shrine.  Any excuse to stop for a minuet to catch my breath. 
My Favorite Salt & Pepper grinder EVER!  Twist left for pepper, Twist right for salt.   Love it!  Wanted to steal it [joking, for those who don't know me] but was sitting and chatting with the owner...=)

Muscles were really good, but not my best ever

Squint really hard and wish upon a star, and it may grow into its bigger sister in Orlando

hate public laundry. hate laundry. hate it.

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