Thursday, September 8, 2011

TOUR DAY 1 (September 8) ST. NAZAIRE to NANTES

Today's posting is just pictures w captions.... I don't want to bore anyone with the details more than these.

Lets just say I woke up and it was drizzling and the wind howling in St. Nazaire.  I made Nantes (80km by trail from my hotel in St. Nazaire) in 6 hours.  And I'm exhausted and in pain.

Drizzly cold morning view from hotel window when I woke

This was a the bummer of the day... the St. Nazaire bridge in the weather w big trucks blowing past me inches away. 

These are the signs you have to follow on the route... this one is warning me that my life is about to become even more difficult.  And it was!

Where I stopped for lunch in Piamboeuf.  

Despite a huge plate, I ate this, the salad, and the fruit cocktail desert in 12 minuets

Stopped for a minuet in the Estuary to adjust the seat height that continued to sink and sink all day...
What most of the trail looked like today on the South side of the Loire

I lost the trail somewhere and didn't cross the river at Le Pellerin as planned.  I found this free ferry crossing at Indre and crossed to St. Herblain

FINALLY!  City Limits sign.

This is a video taken at the midpoint of the St. Nazaire bridge... you can't here most of what I'm saying because the wind is blowing at about 40mph, but it is along the lines of "what did I get myself into?"

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